💌Love Letter Maiden [HS1]

💾 features

  • new clothing
    ▷ full LLMaiden dress (top & bot) - top category
    ▷ LLMaiden sleeves - glove category
    ▷ LLMaiden Zori & Tabi (?) - shoe category
    ▷ LLMaiden garter - pantyhose category
    ▷ LLMaiden panties - shorts category
  • new accessory
    ▷ LLMaiden bow - head category
    ▷ LLMaiden earring - ear category
  • new item
    ▷ LLMaiden Love Letter- search 'Love - Letter - doa'
  • 4CC
    ▷ change the usual 2 color-option in maker - or
    ▷ change all 4 color-channels via RendererEditor
  • custom made additions
    ▷ half-states for dress (top & bot)
    ▷ half-state for panties
  • extensive dynamic cloth utilization


💽►DOWNLOAD◀ (redirect to my patreon, post is public, read the info etc.)