Big overhaul. Better material, meshes, weighting plus gimmicks ...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ✨
▷ new clothing - swimsuit, shoes, swimbot
▷ new accessory - necklace (--> socks category)
▷ new items - BBQ skewer & hot pants from swimbot as an item
▷ better coloring
▷ full-on "nipple-support"
▷ swimsuit with half states
📝 notes
▷ use HSPE for correction of inconvenient positions & glitches
▷ i added custom bones for "position-corection" of some (bras&ribbons)parts. should be available via search for either bra or fix or ribbon
▷ since i didn't bother myself with creating an half-state for the
swimbot, instead the hot pants are added as an item with several custom
bones for deformations (via HSPE) search HSpants. the whole thing is very experimental, without much testing behind ... have fun
▷❗ if you have the old version of this mod, use HSResolver in case of ID-conflict (if, then delet the old .lst file in characustom)
💻 requirements
▷ latest MoreSlotID
▷ HSResolver
▷ BonesFramework
▷ GGmod
▷ HSPE (Studio Must if you ask me)
Remember, nothing's perfect, expect itches and glitches at some bodysizes and or positions. All rights to the original creators/owners.
with regards and huge thanks for your support, yours FoolBoy⛱
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